With just days before Journey to Batuu, Sims 4’s latest Star Wars themed game pack is due to release on September 8th, 2020, the development team rolled out a new blog post which outlined a few more of the game’s assets. The blog mentions in stark Star Wars detail that players will be able to travel to Batuu, create their own lightsabers, build their own droids, and complete quests that grant “reputation.” The “reputation” mechanic is one common in RPGs such as World of Warcraft, which require the player to grind through quests in order to gain favor with a certain NPC faction. In the Sims, players will gain either reputation with the Resistance or the First Order. High reputation with one faction will make interactions with the opposing faction more difficult. Check out the blog notes here: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/journey-to-batuu-reveal But we’ve included the notes below: Stay safe during these tumultuous times, and may the Force be with you.
SolieSims has another fantastic new Simmer for us to get to know from the gallery, Lady Sweettart has the spotlight on a Maxis Match CC creator CrypticSim, we have a fantastical amount Sims 4, Sims Mobile and Sims Free Play news for you, Ms Feena has 5 more Simmers for you to check out this weekend a brand new building tip with HipHipRenee and so much more!
Simmer's Digest News Brief
Something Simlish this Way ComesThe Sims community at large is a strange, voracious beast. When news from the Gurus is sparse, Simmers sniff at the air, electric with speculation, to decipher the cryptic clues and leaks from various crannies of the internet. This was certainly the case this week concerning both the Sims 4 community and the Sims Mobile community. While Sims Freeplay largely plugs along with the latest school-themed Sim Chase, the Sims 4 and Sims Mobile teams dropped news on their awaiting fans after weeks of gut-wrenching silence. The Sims FreePlayQuickly, Sims Freeplay continues with a school-based theme as they run SimChase season 18: Sports Day Stoush. Players grind through a gamut of pre-selected events in order to earn school-themed prizes: chain link fences, basketball hoops, bleachers, and more. Stay tuned next week for the return of the Inner Child's Play Quest, which rewards successful players with an adorable treehouse. The Sims MobileSims Mobile had its own fair share of leaks this week. August 21st, players discovered that someone had leaked news of the next Sweet Treat event. Scratching their collective heads, Mobile simmers peered at blurry pictures of various kitchen items and the assertion that the next event would be "Cultured Kitchen." This remained unconfirmed until August 25th, when Game Changers unveiled the collection of screenshots and colorful graphics that outlined Sweet Treats: Cultured Kitchens. Once again, players will bake, mix, and sprinkle in order to earn tokens. Those tokens purchase prize boxes, and once all 78 prize boxes are open, the player earns the grand prize. The common prizes, also known as the "Sweet Treat Box" prizes will include:
Mobile Simmers were quick to note that this STS does not offer male-specific assets. There has long been a gender imbalance in mobile CAS assets, and recently more players have begun advocating for unisex options. Naturally, in a game which boasts its ability to represent any and all Simmers, the lack of gender-neutral clothing options is a startling omission. It remains to be seen if the Sims mobile team will address such concerns in future updates. Additionally, the Sims Mobile team revealed a new bargain pack, which it almost immediately offered to its players. This pack, for just $2.99 USD, rewards the player with 250 SimCash, 3,000 simoleons, and 5 cupcakes. The community continues to speculate, however, about a possibly larger update for September. Will Sims Mobile developers roll out pools? Schools? Basements? Pets? Only time will tell. The Sims 4Naturally, the biggest news of the week charged in from the Sims 4 developers. For weeks, Gurus have hinted at the contents of a new game pack: George tweeted a kitchen statuette of a pig, a set of scrolls in a bell jar, and then suddenly whispered the word "Wednesday" into the Twitter-verse. Using the leaked game pack images and scouring the internet for possible matches, Simmers quickly discovered that the strange blue game pack icon looked awfully like Batuu, a Star Wars planet. Sims and Star Wars have a bit of a storied history. Because Electronic Arts does own the Star Wars game license, Simmers have enjoyed Star Wars costumes and prop nods in the form of Baby Yoda. SimGuruNinja himself is notoriously a rabid Star Wars fan, and so a collaboration didn't seem too far-fetched. The immediate reaction to the speculation was mixed, and this initial reaction swelled into a Twitter-breaking frenzy when Gamescom finally aired the newest Sims 4 trailer. Sims 4 players waited in the Gamescom livestream chat with bated breath as the familiar rolling green hills of Willow Creek transformed into the sandy dunes, rock-choked cliff sides, and tangled green canopy that comprises the Star Wars planet Batuu. Suddenly milling alongside average Sims were Storm Troopers, plucky droids, infamous NPCs like Kylo Ren and Rey Skywalker, and a myriad of singing, dancing, and plotting aliens. The trailer followed Sims lightsaber battling, impressively rendered tie-fighters and x-wing star fighters soaring, and, of course, the Millennium Falcon cutting a fine form across viewer screens. This phenomenal, firmly non-traditional Sims pack bursts onto the Sims 4 scene September 8, 2020. While Simmers have yet to witness real time game play, the Sims 4 blog delineated several key features that Sims 4 players can expect for the pack. In addition to rubbing elbows with Jedi masters, Simmers will be able to choose between the light and the dark sides of the Force, quest for and craft their own unique lightsaber with unearthed kyber crystals and hilts, earn "reputation points" through mission completion, purchase a helpful beeping buddy at the Droid Depot, and complete challenges that unlock "starfighter access, new outfits, and critical Batuu missions." A player's Sim will make choices during game play, choices to support either the Resistance or the First Order. These choices will actively "tip the balance of power" and determine who will control Batuu. Following the announcement, Simmers both lauded and decried the decision. Proponents welcomed the fresh addition, a well-executed homage to a beloved, worldwide phenomenon. Others cited the need for improved babies, cars, and corrected skin tones before the addition of such non-traditional packs. What do you think of the newest Sims 4 game pack? Until next time, stay safe, stay sane, and may the Force be with you.
Simmers every where waited with bated breath in the Gamescom YouTube stream. Shouting green, glowing hearts into the internet in lieu of plumbobs, Simmers settled onto the edge of the seats for the announcement they have been waiting weeks for: the unveiling of Sims 4’s ninth game pack. After a parade of premieres which included infamous shooters such as Doom and Call of Duty, well-entrenched adventure series such as Crash & Bandicoot, and long anticipated RPGs such as World of Warcraft - Shadowlands and Bioware’s Dragon Age, Gamescom turned to EA’s newest Star Wars pilot game: Squadroon. Immediately, the Sims community collectively held its breath. All speculated and buzzed that a Sims announcement would soon follow. We were not disappointed. Simmers watched as the familiar Sims 4 landscape transformed into the sandy dunes of Batuu. Sims wielded light sabers, watched spaceships jet across the sky, and simple Sim homes transformed into the joyful, dimly lit, music filled Star Wars bar: the Cantina. With this pack, Simmers will be able to:
May the force be with Simmers, for this game pack zooms into Origin September 8, 2020! Stay tuned right here for more detailed information about this stunning game pack’s contents! What are you most excited about in this newest, out of this world game pack? Tell us in the comments below!
Stay safe, stay sane, and may the force be with you. Gamescom Live has the SkinnyAfter weeks of silence and speculation, the Sims 4 team finally announced when and where they will reveal the ninth Sims 4 game pack! As part of a special three-day event, Gamescom will unveil the newest game news from Crash Bandicoot, Ratchet & Clank, and yes, The Sims. Tune in Thursday, August 27th at 11AM PST/2PM EST for the latest in Sims 4 news! Check out Gamescom’s opening day here at Openingnightlive.com! This massive three-day event is usually held in person, but amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Gamescom team has transformed their approach and their venue into a stunning, virtual event no red-blooded gamer will want to miss.
What are you expecting from the Sims 4 team tomorrow? Let us know in the comments below! Cultured KitchensEarly Tuesday afternoon, the Sims Mobile Game Changers broke their long silence by announcing the next Sweet Treat Event: Cultured Kitchens. By baking, sprinkling, and mixing in a reality-style game show, players earn a collection of kitchen-themed items. Beginning August 31st, 2020, players will turn in sweet tokens and royal tokens to open prize boxes. These boxes will house counters, pots and pans, female attire, cutting boards, and more. If the player is able to open all 78 lesser prize boxes, they earn the grand prizes: a seriously smart fridge, a cutely curled side-style hair for women, and a countertop pizza oven. The event will run for fifteen days. Game Changers also revealed a new bargain pack, which populated into player games Tuesday, August 25th. For just $2.99 USD, players can receive 250 SimCash, 3,000 simoleons, and 5 cupcakes. What prize are you most excited for in this Sweet Treat event? Let us know in the comments!
Stay safe, and happy Simming! Bedrooms are often considered the staples of a livable home. Here, your Sims rest after a hard day’s work, recharge after building relationships, and make sweet, sweet woohoo with that special someone.
Despite this, they can be difficult to design in new, unique ways. Feast your eyes on these fresh designs from April, Sarah, Keri, and Felisha! 🛌 Carve out a space for your chosen bed using an area rug 🛌 Frame your bed with matching nightstands 🛌 Set the mood with candlelight, ceiling lights, and wall lights 🛌When in doubt, add seating: make a mini-parlor by placing sofas, ottoman, and recliners around a fireplace 🛌 Create a walk-in closet with shoe racks, mirrors, and poufs 🛌Dress windows with eye-catching curtains What are your favorite bedroom-building moves? Share in the comments below! The wheels of the Sims universe quietly turned this week. There was little to no earth shattering news from any of the three Sims realms, but as we near the end of August, rest assured that this relative silence is but the calm before the storm. Sims FreePlay continued its Influence Island exploration, Sims Mobile wound down Sweet Treats, and Sims 4 developers dropped some cryptic teasers, some of which may not have been intentional. Sims FreePlay After an exciting new feature roll out, the Sims FreePlay developers largely watched over player experiences with Influence Island. Monday, August 17th, developers unveiled a probing quiz in order to measure player wishes for future updates. The quiz posed a variety of different themes players could choose from, including magical school themes, fitness themes, minimalist themes, maximalist themes, and many more. August 18th, SimGuruAlana acknowledged a troublesome glitch that caused player games to crash when opening Influence Island. After assuring players that this would not occur for Influence Island season 2, several players scoffed, voicing their displeasure for the new game mechanic entirely. Sim Chase #18 begins August 21st, featuring school-themed items such as bleachers, hoops, scoreboards and more. Sims Mobile All is quiet on the Sims Mobile front as the current Sweet Treats, Dream Garages, winds down. Players gear up for the newest Wumples, which populates in-game on August 23rd and features a unicorn-shaped piggy bank, a "friend-shaped" plush monster, and ten fashion gems as a prize. The end of August nears, so players should expect a new slew of announcements from the dev team soon. The Sims 4
Sims 4 developers have had their hands full juggling the latest rounds of speculations on Twitter. They released a small bug-squishing patch which addressed gameplay issues such as: Sims obsessively knitting, pets refusing to eat without command, duplicating Dine Out foods, non-klepto SIms stealing from their own lots, the disappearance of "green world' phenomenon like the aurora borealis, and more. But Wednesday, August 19th, SimGuruGeorge released a confusing tweet. The tweet read "Wednesday," and accompanied a picture of three Sims in Moschino gear. The male Sim in the forefront, dressed in a blue sweatsuit, appears stylishly pensive. "Do you pronounce the 'n' in "Wednesday?" George posed to his followers. Simmers speculate that a game pack announcement could drop next Wednesday, the last Wednesday of August. If that were not enough, SimGuruNinja, caught explaining the difference between Sims 4 Parenthood and Sims 3 Generations as packs, may have inadvertently raised the hopes of Simmers everywhere for a Sims 4 generations pack. Ninja explained that Simmers shouldn't look too deeply into his tweet, but that players should never count anything out. That's all for now, but stay tuned for more updates, which are assuredly on the horizon. Stay safe, wash your hands, and happy Simming. |
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