Let's Celebrate Hispanic History MonthIn honor of Hispanic Heritage month, Simmer’s Digest presents a new shell challenge created by our lead writer @Alaeryn! Get a chance to win the Home Chef Hustle Stuff Pack by transforming a completely white room into a colorful homage to Hispanic and Latino culture. The Details- Download the room right here (or search in game using the hashtag #WhiteRoomChallengeHHM) EA ID: Alaeryn_Tanum - Use the Hispanic/Latino Flag of Central/South America and the Caribbean to influence the design and color scheme of your room - Upload it to the Gallery using these TWO HASHTAGS: #SimmersDigest & #WhiteRoomChallengHHM -YOU MUST USE THE ITEM TYPES INCLUDED IN THE SHELL: 1 Floor lamp, 1 bed, 1 rug, 1 piece of wall art. - NO CC, NO Deleting Walls, NO Adding rooms -Your creation should NOT be a white room! Check the example below! - UPLOAD BY: 10.1.2023 - Winner Chosen on 10.2.2023 Increase your chances of winning by:Follow SimmersDigest and the Simmer's Digest team - Alaeryn: Twitter - SolieSims: Twitter | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok - Melly: Twitter - SimmersDigest: Twitter | TikTok | Instagram Showcase of rooms will be shared here on this post...An example entry to the White Room Challenge, inspired by the Bolivian flag. 🇧🇴 Note that the bed, floor lamp, wall art, and rug are all included in the room and oriented in the same places as the original white room. However, the style and color of the items suit my Bolivian flag color scheme. White Room Shell Challenge HHM ShowcaseSleepyCasMy entry for #SimmersDigest #WhiteRoomChallengeHHM based on the flag of Peru. (bb.moveobjects on) On twitter as @adjustedkarma VoldieTrixMade for the #WhiteRoomChallengeHHM I chose the #ElSalvador Flag to base this room on because that's where my family is from. The colors are Blue & White with some red, yellow and green. #SimmersDigest #Latino #Latina #LatinxHeritage
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Questions from the CommunityThe Roof, the roof, the roof is on fire...
Have you ever had a fire on your Sims lot that you couldn't reach? While some have experienced this, others may have not, so what should you do? Check out this post and the comments from the community helping to learn and discover how o deal with those pesky hard to reach fires.
TLDR: Let it burn itself out. So sparkly and shiny...WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
Ever noticed those shiny floating light bulbs and starts hovering over your Sims head? We have, and many others have as well. If you are new to the game, or never bothered to find out what it was, this post from Reddit user u/Alvin514, and the comments below will help you to learn what they are and how to make them go away when you are trying to take your screenshots.
TLDR: They show up due to lot traits that are set in Build mode. View the comments from the post to learn more about them This game never ceases to amaze...
.This is yet another reason why I love this game so much. You can play for YEARS and still find new things.
In this post by Reddit User: u/bunisdead they share this stunning picture that their Sim painted, that I have NEVER seen before and I love this. It got me wondering: What things have you recently discovered that was new to you in game? Let us know in the comments below or Tweet us @SimmersDigest Watch the LIVE STREAM here: https://www.twitch.tv/thesimsYeah, it is an ad. Want to help keep them off our site? Become a Simmer Supporter!The building has begun...
While we are late to the game, we also feel that it is never to late to start. We have been enjoying the countless amazing and stunningly creative builds all month long provided by this delightful build challenge shared on Tumblr and across the internet. Check out the tweets beolw featuring builds from this list using the #DecBuild22 tag and be sure to check it out on Instagram as well.
Not a builder?
For all of you Simmers our there who may not be into building homes, but adore creating SIMS, fear not, we have you covered. SulSulSimSam on Twitter has some premade sims that are looking for your creativity. Check out the tweet below and join in on the fun of creating unique and stunning Sims.
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The Details of the challenge
Submission must be uploaded and posted by July 27th, 2022
September 2024
September 2024
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