We are thrilled and overjoyed to present you with our first ever totally Sims based 2021 calendars. A project of passion and joy, SoleSims has worked around the clock to piece together 2 amazing calendars for your 2021 enjoyment. 1. A Calendar featuring the build creations submitted by creators from around the world. 2. A calendar featuring Sims created and submitted by our amazing creators in our community. Below you can scan through the stunning images of each calendar and below each of those you can find the PDF file for download. We hope to make this the year of YOU, each Simmer is a treasure. We appreciate your creativity, uniqueness, and continued support. Download the Build calendar here![]()
Check out the full Build calendarCheck out the full CAS calendar right hereDownload the calendar right here:![]()
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With 2021 on the horizon, many Simmers may heed the tempting, siren call that is the remodel. For players who want to ring in the new year in glitzy, glamorous style, here are a few tips for designing instant luxury for any Sims home.
Cherry, Jade, MiMi, and Pink Moon are all luxury design experts. Note their skillful use of the following design elements: -Use white as a backdrop: white is one of those neutrals that suggests the kind of high-class clean that’s nearly intimidating. Using white cabinets, counters, tables, rugs create a uniform background for skillful, moore colorful accents -Eat in kitchen: Big beautiful open-convept kitchens are all tbe rage, particular in modern manors. Slide a glass or intricately carved table into a big kitchen space to thoughtfully fill the room. -Stay smart about space: Adorn rooms with high-quality objects with low clutter. Walking areas should look spacious, clean, and highly functional. -Marble furnishings and plush carpets create an upper crust atmosphere -Ceiling lights, especially intricate chandeliers, suggest luxury What are your favorite luxe living tips? New Year Update: An OverviewAfter a show-stopping update that brought not only fresh playable events and purchasable packs but also highly-anticipated base game updates, the Sims Mobile team delivered news of the second half of this astonishing update December 28th. This portion of the update comes stuffed with the usual: a brand new Treasure Hunt, a fresh Sweet Treats Showdown, three new Wumples Wishlists, and an avalanche of new purchasable packs. Treasure Hunt: Winter WonderlandSims Mobile will kick off January with a new winter-themed Treasure Hunt. On January 11th, players will dig, dust, and excavate to earn relics and golden bunnies. These in-game tokens purchase a variety of fresh new items that Simmers can use to decorate their homes or jazz up their Sims' wardrobes. Players can look forward to earning the following common prizes:
If a player successfully excavates all the aforementioned prizes, they can unlock the grand prize chest for 1,000 relics and 320 gold bunnies. Inside the grand prize box, players will find:
Sweet Treats: Charming CraftsSims Mobile will round out January with the Sweet Treat: Charming Crafts event. On January 25th, players will bake, mix, and sprinkle their way through a reality-show baking contest. Players who successfully out-bake the game's "rival" chef will earn two kinds of tokens for their efforts: sweet tokens and royal tokens. Sweet Tokens purchase common prizes. Royal tokens purchase rare prizes. After collecting all the common and rare prizes, players immediately unlock the grand prize. For Sweet Treat: Charming Crafts, cute and kitschy worthy of even the most discerning of knitting enthusiasts are on the menu. Players can look forward to the following prizes: Common:
Incoming Wumples QuestsThree new Wumples Wishlist events will hop into game January 9th, January 20th, and January 31st. Players complete a laundry list of energy-expending activities in return for decor or Create-a-Sim wardrobe items. Wumples WIshlist #46 offers hanging holiday cards, standing holiday cards, and 10 fashion gems. Wumples Wishlist #47 offers a lovable lion hat, handsome hamster hat, and 10 fashion gems. Wumples Wishlist #48 offers Orange you Glad and Apple of the Eye Wall art alongside 10 fashion gems. Purchasable PacksThis update is brimming with brand new packs for purchase. To ring in the new year, the Sims Mobile team has compiled a series of glittering, luxurious build and CAS packs from which Simmers can choose. The Bronze, Silver, and Gold Luxe Living packs, for $4.99, $7.99, and $17.99 USD respectively, will trigger in-game on January 6th. If players purchase all three packs, they will unlock the fourth pack, Boutique Bedroom, for free. Essentially, Boutique Bedroom awards the player with an enormous, king-sized four-poster bed which comes with two floating end tables. Sleek and elegant, this Art-Deco inspired bed is a unique asset that many Simmers will find difficult to pass up. Similarly, the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Living packs boast a variety of swanky, eye-pleasing furniture for the early 20th-century connoisseur. The Sims Mobile will also offer several "boost" packs to help players through the notorious grind that is Treasure Hunt and Sweet Treat Showdown. In addition, three more purchasable packs: Wintery Retreat, Wonderful and Warm, and Collection of Crafts will also populate in-game on January 11th, January 19th, and January 25th respectively. Wintery Retreat offers comfortable, cabin-worthy decor, while "Wonderful and Warm" dresses the Sim man in your life in cozy style. Collection of Crafts compliments the Charming Crafts Sweet Treat event with adorable knitted decor, pastel-colored storage, and hand woven rugs. As always, Simmer's Digest extends a massive thank you to Game Changers like Simmerdown Mal for the graphics and information that make these news roundups possible.
What are you most excited for in this upcoming update? Building in the Sims Mobile is often a labor of love, one that requires gargantuan creativity and saintlike patience. Sims Mobile, as a relatively new iteration of the Sims franchise, has limited build objects and even more limited build features; Sims Mobile houses do not have balconies, basements, pools, porches, flat roofs, functional staircases, or a moveable mailbox. Players like TSM Lhyn, who manage large palatial builds despite Sims Mobile’s limitations, do so through sheer persistence, know-how, and a healthy dose of good old-fashioned glitching. I sat down with Lhyn recently, hoping she would impart some of her knowledge unto us mere Mobile building mortals. Alaeryn: Hi, Lhyn! Thank you so much for agreeing to talk to Simmer’s Digest! Tell us about yourself! Where are you from? Lhyn: Hi! I'm Lhyn in real life too hehe... From [the] Philippines. Alaeryn: What was the first Sims game that you ever remember playing? Lhyn: I just played Sims early this year. I first tried [The Sims Mobile] and then [The Sims FreePlay], and I have liked TSM more so I stopped playing TSF. Alaeryn: It looks like you really enjoy palatial builds in the Sims Mobile! What is your advice to others about how to build big, grand-looking palaces? Lhyn: I really don't know what to say about that. I just liked experimenting the exteriors of my builds. [I] try and try until it looks good enough, at least for my eight-year old son. He's my number one critic. Alaeryn: You’re also well-known in the Sims community for such creative builds as your farm build for Karen Keren’s shell challenge! Where do you find inspiration? Lhyn: It's all experiment.. I don't have skills on different styles in building, I just keep on trying. No theme or [anything.] Alaeryn: How are you feeling about the latest Sims Mobile update? Do you have a favorite new item? Lhyn: It's amazing! I love everything! The hairs, the outfits, the furniture. EVERYTHING. I'm glad I played this game! Alaeryn: You’re a wonderful builder, but what about Create-a-Sim? Tell us about your Sims and your unique style! Lhyn: Oh! That's my weakness ... In real life I didn't even know how to put on make-up! Hahahah.. So maybe that's the reason why [I’m not great at CAS.] Alaeryn: What are some updates you want for later Sims Mobile updates? Lhyn: I want to be able to party on different lots and have more playable Sim slots! Alaeryn: Anything else you want fellow Simmers to know? Lhyn: Please be kind to all Simmers. Lhyn’s main account Sims. Lhyn’s Sims enjoying their lavish home. One of Lhyn’s palatial builds. Glitching build features that don’t actually exist in game is becoming increasingly popular amongst Sims Mobile builders. This practice has been incredibly common amongst Sims FreePlayers.
Sims News Overview As the world witnesses the light at the end of the Covid tunnel and we all hunker down for the holidays, Simmers continue to find joy and solace in their unique pixelated worlds. The Sims FreePlay, The Sims Mobile, and the Sims 4 persisted this week with only a few hiccups, but the result is mainly happy, snowboarding, caroling, and holiday shopping Simmers. The Sims FreePlaySims Freeplayers were delighted this week as they enjoyed the second leg of their holiday events. "A Christmas Carole," a quirky seasonal quest that leads Simmers to save Christmas from the miserly minds who would ruin it for profit, began December 12th. This immense quest rewards all the quaint London accoutrements needed for a holiday in bonny old England: corner bookcases, elegant arm chairs, a cherry red telephone box, rounded tudor tables, a spiral bookcase, and much more. Simmers who complete the entire quest win the stunning Albion square, a large lot consisting of posh, snow-covered row houses. In addition, Sims Freeplay gifted their players a "Baby Yoda" statue to celebrate the enormous success of the Mandalorian. For FreePlay's birthday, developers gave their players mystery keys and holiday items. FreePlayers are also enjoying double paperboy rewards. On the horizon and beginning December 25th is the Moroccan-themed Influence Island. Players will cajole and convince game NPCs into friendship in order to win the coveted network credits necessary to purchase stunning Moroccan kitchen accessories. The Sims MobileThe holidays arrived in Sims Mobile with a bang. This week, Sims Mobile Gamechangers revealed a massive base game update to the Sims Mobile that has players absolutely purring with pleasure. For a while, Sims Mobile had earned notoriety for unimaginative game play and a stagnating, heavily glitchy game experience for game veterans. Those game veterans often took to Twitter to advocate for a better experience: improved parties, an updated Create-a-Sim, and more meaningful gameplay. While the newest Sims Mobile update did not deliver new gameplay outside of currency-gobbling events, it did offer base game quality of life updates that have its players pleased. December 14th, the Sims Mobile added a slew of not only new Create-a-Sim fashions but also a landslide of new build/buy objects. These refreshed items have encouraged players to renovate their homes and dress their Sims in the freshest fashions. The update took on new significance when developers revealed that, alongside these additions, they folded new, cultural items into the game for free. Thus, players received afro-textured hairs, Indian saris, south Asian-inspired trousers, boldly patterned outfits, and more. Eco Workshop received a shipment of past summer throwdown items like juice bars, juice nooks, male and female retro tops, and banners. Of course, this update came brimming with events. Treasure Hunt: Seasons Greetings encourages Simmers to dig for artifacts, research at home, and uncover the rare relics and golden bunnies that purchase seasonal decor. Mobile Simmers can unearth such prizes as rugs, chairs, stockings, holiday lighting, rustic wood-framed beds, and of course Christmas trees. This event began December 14th. Wumples joined the holiday festivities by offering "Twelve Days of Wumples." Each day of this special event asks players to complete a simple task for Wumples. After completing this task, players get a special holiday item: a string of light, a kinara, a menorah, and more. On the horizon, Sims Mobile players can expect a Sweet Treats event, which will trigger December 28th and offer glittering, glamorous New Year items such as a shining, sequined ball, drink carts, twinkling chandeliers, Art Deco furniture, and far more. Packs for this update are plentiful. This week, Simmers saw the Tis the Season Pack and the Deck the Halls pack rerun. This enormous update was not without hiccups, however. After updating, many Simmers experienced constant crashing. Developers corrected this issue within 48 hours and compensated Mobile players. As always, for holiday-themed games, a virtual Secret Santa, cookie and tree decorating challenges, CAS and build challenges, join the Sims Nation on Facebook or Discord! The Sims 4The world of Sims 4 was largely quiet this week, but speculation about the next pack has begun brewing. While some Simmers have begun bubbling about a possible high school pack, others are still wishing for a Medieval or Happy Haunts. The community is also a twitter about a few Simming award competitions. Stay tuned for more information about upcoming packs and community-based events.
Until next time, stay safe, happy holidays, and happy Simming! Deadline: 25th Dec
Deadline: 31st Dec
Deadline: 2nd Jan
September 2024
September 2024
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