Challenges..An unofficial game mode usually made by other players. There are set rules and goals made that the player must achieve to complete said challenge. It's done by the honor system as the game doesn't recognize these rules as native to gameplay. Since the Sims 2 days simmers have created multiple challenges so we asked simmers like you, Do you play with challenges in your game? Why or why not!? Here are the results! “They'd be better if we could add the rules in game. Maybe even get alerts when we're about to break a rule. I'm low-key tired of having to look at three different windows just to make sure a sim can get married in a particular challenge.” - Melody R. “I think challenges are a great way to spice up game play or experience things you otherwise wouldn't in your typical play-style but I personally don't really play out challenges because all of the rules are constricting. I get that's what makes them challenging but I would rather play out my own storyline of a family trying to make it rich than following set guidelines in a Rags to Riches format - or see how many babies I can have with a regular family without turning it into a baby factory like 100-baby games.” - Tim D. “I hate them. I'm totally uninterested in following someone else's rules. I always find at least one of them arbitrary or nonsensical and just end up getting annoyed with challenges. “ - Carla C. “I get bored partway through especially if the challenge isn't especially difficult, just time consuming.” - Annika J “I did the asylum challenge and won the lotto literally the first day 😂 Right now I’m doing the decades challenge which has been fun. I tried doing the 100 baby one but it got too repetitive. I don’t completely follow the rules for each one tho. I’ll change things to match my play style. Or because I have adhd and don’t like blocks of text I just skim over the rules and miss a bunch of them lmao.” - Alyssa K. The general consensus Challenges aren't for everyone. For those of us that enjoy structure and are sticklers for rules they are your jam. With a game that's open world anything goes. That can easily get overwhelming and sometimes boring. Challenges are a way to spice up our game and have a goal to reach. Gives us a reason to want to stay up 1 more hour and all of a sudden it's 3am and we have no idea how we got here… For some challenges just aren't it. Rules shmules! Let me live my life how I want. Personally I have the attention span of a squirrel and cannot stay focused. Challenges are my kryptonite and I have never been able to finish one. I'm sure many simmers can relate! However you choose to play, structured or not, there is a challenge out there for all of us. From builders to CAS challenges to those of us that like killing off our sims. We don't judge here. This is a safe space! Now.. We pass the question onto you. Do you use play with challenges? Let us know! Have a juicy question you’d like to ask the community? Leave it in a comment below!
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